SkyJuice Foundation

Creating product and project videos for an Australian not-for-profit

SkyJuice Foundation
Content & Socials


The challenge

In 2023, the SkyJuice Foundation (SkyJuice) released the RESPONDER, a new water treatment unit that provides drinking water for up to 100 people daily. 

They wanted to showcase the RESPONDER through a video but this was complicated by a lack of imagery of the product due to the nature of SkyJuice’s work in developing countries.

At the same time, SkyJuice had recently finished a collaboration with the East Taipei Rotary Club to provide their SkyHydrant units to 3 schools in Northern Thailand as part of a water purification project. Like the RESPONDER, SkyJuice also wanted to showcase this project through a video, and engaged R3 to make a second video on this project.

Who is
SkyJuice Foundation

Incorporated in 2005, the SkyJuice Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation based in Sydney. 

They supply sustainable water treatment systems for humanitarian projects and emergency and disaster relief using their patented, “passive” membrane technology to produce safe, sustainable and potable water to communities in developing countries.

Their vision is simple - ‘Safe Water For Every Child’ - and they work with a large number of partners such as Oxfam, Rotary, Disaster Aid Australia, Siemens Stiftung, World Vision, Red Cross and UNICEF to make this vision a reality.

Our Solution

SkyJuice makes real, tangible impacts in communities around the world, and this was something we wanted to capture through the videos we created.

For the RESPONDER video, we used stock video assets in combination with 3D animation as part of our solution to the lack of product imagery. The RESPONDER might be small in size, but it represents an innovative solution that brings safe, drinking water directly into the hands of those who need it most. By highlighting its portability, efficiency, and effectiveness, we created a video that effectively showed the RESPONDER as an innovative and impactful product.

For the Northern Thailand water purification project, we were able to make use of existing footage from the East Taipei Rotary. The result was a brief yet captivating video highlighting the vital work being done to bring safe water to remote communities around the world.

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Anna Itkonen
Marketing & Media Manager
SkyJuice Foundation
"R3 has produced a series of videos as an integral part of promotions and communications for Equal Access, Safe Water for School Challenge 2023. Sol has shown great understanding of the production process and reaching desired outcomes and his guidance and input has been invaluable. The team at R3 has gone above and beyond to accomodate for the challenging and tight timelines of the project and have been a pleasure to work with. I look forward to working with Sol and his team again."

Project Management: Sol Svenson-Little
Video Editing/Production:
Sol Svenson-Little
Social Media Strategy: 
Jordan Gan

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